IMG Kunst und Genuss Lounge

September 2013

This type treatment project was made for the artist denise X!, who combined in a remodeled space her studio with an event location. At this new location you can see remarkable object art while enjoying exclusive wines as well as finest ham specialties.

Translation: "Kunst und Genuss" can be translated as "art and enjoyment" and IMG Center (short: IMG) is the name of the business building, in which the lounge is located.

Idea: As the given name was pretty long i decided to create a type-only mark, without any symbol. I tried to unite art, wine and culinary pleasure in one classy and modern logotype.

Time needed:
14 hours

Used means:
Illustrator CS5

Logo Kunst und Genuss Lounge
Adhesive foil on the glass plate in front of the building
Mounted glass plate at the entrance
Adhesive foil at the staircase






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